Classroom Review
Hemlock Class:
What a busy few weeks we had. Everything had to happen after Thanksgiving but before the break. We brushed up on our knowledge of different holidays of the season like Kwanzaa with the different meanings of the colored candles and homemade gifts for meetings with friends and family as well as Hanukkah with the miracle of the oil lasting for 8 days and nights. We used a Shamash candle to light up the eight candles on the menorah and the Children learned how to play the dreidel game, too. Then we delved a little into German Christmas traditions with Advent wreath, Advent calendar, Christmas markets and Saint Nicholaus story and traditions. We smelled a “Raeuchermaennchen”, tasted “Lebkuchen” and learned to sing “Oh Tannenbaum”. As for Christmas the American way, we learned about the reason for the season as well as lots of Christmas songs (“Rudolph the red nosed reindeer’, ‘Frosty the snowman’, ‘12 Days of Christmas’ just to name a few). We looked at the parts of a poinsettia and learned about its history and origin. Did you know the red leaves are called bracts?
The children were very busy crafting a surprise for you and making their own ornaments to help decorate our classroom tree and they are eager to bring them home!
Thanks to everyone who sent in a book for our book exchange! It is nice to give something and also to receive/chose something different as well. On our last day in the classroom, we enjoyed a nice treat with all our classmates. The plate was filled with a watermelon slice shaped as a Christmas tree and a carrot cake present under it and Santa (strawberry with whip) on the side. The children were able to make their own carrot bread the day before! Busy days:-)
Thank you to all for the thoughtful and wonderful gifts for us teachers! They are much appreciated and will be cherished throughout the break.
We wish all our families a happy and healthy holiday season and are looking forward to seeing everybody again in 2023! Have a lovely break!
Buckeye Class:
Hopefully all had a great Thanksgiving break. We ended the month of November with a bit of a history of Thanksgiving.
We had a short and very busy month here at school, as I’m positive you did at home. It was fun to hear about all the holiday activities that the children were getting to experience at home with their families.
We have been focused on the “peace virtues” including truth, personal best, peace, friendship, kind words and joy.
In the classroom, the children were very busy creating a holiday gift for you.
We also spent a bit of circle time talking about Christmas around the world and which traditions each continent celebrates, including their similarities. I think they enjoyed the fact that the Australian Santa is a surfer and that instead of stockings, in Europe, the children get goodies in their shoes.
This included the traditional Christian story, Hanukkah, Kwanza, and Saint Nicolas Day (Sinterklaas), including a special gift.
Color mixing in the practical life area was a popular thing.
Children worked hard on their Christmas gift for you! (Many steps)
It is fun to see your children leading the show and tell circle and the joy they get in executing this leadership role.
Other jobs they enjoy include setting out the lunch name tags, deciding on weather and discussing the calendar.
An abundance of Christmas ornaments have come home, for sure, and other seasonal art works.
The book exchange was a big hit.
We introduced the balance beam, living vs. non-living and the dreidel game.
Christmas music boxes were offered to quiet tables at lunch, and that was a popular and exciting thing.
Holiday songs included:
Rudolph, Frosty the Snowman, I’m a little Snowman Short and Fat, Jingle Bells, Santa Claus is Coming to Town and I Have a Little Dreidel.
Looking forward to the new year!