Hemlock Building:
It has been wonderful to have in-person learning with kids at Creative Montessori.
We are adapting to the new rules as temperature taking and wearing masks. Kids have adapted so quickly to the environment and are doing a great job. In the classroom, children are getting to know each other, teachers, and new procedures. In circle time, we have been learning each other’s names and 5 classroom rules which are: Be kind to everyone, touch your work only, using walking feet inside the classroom, put away the work after being done, use indoor voices. It has also included singing songs, show and tell & celebrating two birthdays. We have started our Continental studies and will learn about fall season which includes, why leaves turn into colors, parts of a leaf, and a leaf rubbing. We will also learn about parts of an apple, types of apples, and an apple experiment.
Each month kids practice fire drills and how to stay safe, which will happen at end of September. The smoky unhealthy air kept us indoor a lot but the children enjoyed our indoor recess toys.
During our 2-hour work time, kids have eagerly explored the work set out for them and got many ones on one lesson from teachers on shapes, colors, numbers, sounds, science, reading, and math. We have a small group of children but they are eager learners and delightful to be with.
Buckeye Building:
We had a nice start to the new school year and everyone adjusted to the different schedules. The children are all doing great wearing their masks and reminding friends if it moves down to pull it up. Our new children have settled in comfortably and our returning children are helping the new ones to get settled.
We have been busy introducing classroom rules and going over general grace and courtesy. Our grace and courtesy lessons are helping the students adjust to our classroom ways and to be kind and helpful with one another. Circle time we sing songs to learn each other’s names i.e. “Buzz, Buzz Bumblebee, can you say your name for me”. Also at circle time we go over the calendar and assign classroom jobs, pledge of allegiance, and check the weather. Children have been shown how to clean their spills and put work away neatly, walking around the mats and rolling up their mats to put it away. Most importantly how to get the teacher’s attention when she is busy. We will be practicing our first fire drill for this school year. We learn what to do when the alarm goes off and where we go. We will begin a short unit on apples, learning parts of an apple, apple tasting, apple art, and reading Apple Star Story as well as learning about Fall and how our environment changes during Fall.