Hemlock Room:
December seemed to just fly by. We started the month learning about Hanukkah, its traditions, foods, songs, etc. We made a class menorah out of fresh limes and an orange. The kids had lots of fun playing the dreidel game and dancing to the dreidel song at circle time. We went on to learn about many Christmas customs throughout the world including St. Nicholas and the story of Mary and Joseph.
The kids were very busy making tree ornaments, gifts and cards for parents, and holiday projects. We learned several Christmas songs but the most favorite song was when we used the individual bells to sing Jingle Bells. Scarf dancing and Freeze dancing to Christmas songs were also popular.
The last week of school included our book exchange which the kids always seem to like and a small party that included healthy cookies that the kids made with Mrs. Fidelis and some fruit that looked like a Santa hat.
We look forward to seeing everyone again in January and hope that this holiday break will be relaxing and joyful for all.
Buckeye Room:
December began with making a personal Holiday gift and card for parents, children enjoyed wrapping it up too. We learned about many holiday traditions around the world including the story of St. Nikolaus, a German tradition and we lit a menorah and talked about Hanukkah. The children learned how to play the Dreidel game which has been lots of fun to do with friends. They also learned the traditional story of Christmas and baby Jesus.
To go along with the holiday spirit, we Put up our Christmas tree and the children have enjoyed making ornaments for the tree and singing carols, especially Rudolf and Jingle Bells and dancing the dreidel dance. We had our book exchange and it was fun to be able to take home a new book. Our holiday party was fun children were excited to have the carrot cake which they helped make. We wish you all happy holidays and also hope you have time to relax!