Front Class
Our new school year has started with the opening of our remodeled building. It is beautiful both inside and out!! The kids are doing a good job of getting used to a new school routine. The beginning of a school year always involves meeting new kids and teachers, understanding the rules of courtesy and kindness, remembering to put work away, push in chairs and to start being self aware and independent.
Circle time has been about learning each others names, singing, movement, and practicing sitting around the circle. We have recently started our Wednesday Show & Tell, learning the Pledge of Allegiance, and doing the daily calendar. Saturday, Sept. 21st, was International Peace Day for the Montessori Community so we’ve talked a lot about peace and celebrated on Monday, Sept 23rd by joining with the back class to form a circle outside of holding hands and singing a practiced song about peace.
As summer slowly fades away, we will learn about the fall season. The children will have work and art projects that will emphasize this new season.
We are off to a grand start! Your children are delightful and fun which will make for a wonderful year.
Back Class:
We had a great start this school year. Kids have been introduced to each other, and are busy meeting old friends and making new ones. We have talked about our classroom and circle time rules. It’s nice to see the returning and new children settling in, learning to take care of the classroom by rolling their mats and putting their materials away nicely, so they are ready for the next person. We’ve been singing “Buzz, Buzz, Bumblebee” to help us remember each other’s names. Namaste song to calm ourselves. Our grace and courtesy lessons are helping children to be kind and helpful to each other.
We have talked about fire drills and fire safety. We have also practiced our first fire drill for this school year.
We learned about plants and parts of the plant , children got to see a whole plant with its roots, stem, leaves and flowers and got to observe it up close. As a small unit, we have started learning about apples; talking about the parts of an apple, tasting apples, and learning different kinds of apples. Soon we will be talking about fall and how our world changes during this season. We will also learn about pumpkins.
We are so pleased with the children’s progress so far, and we look forward to seeing everyone continue to grow this year!