
Classroom Review


This month, our front classroom has been as busy as ever! At circle time, the children have been learning about the Pilgrims’ journey to North America, as well as about the Native Americans (Wampanoag people) who lived in the region.
We have also been continuing with French on Fridays, and science lessons on a Tuesdays. We have practiced our earthquake drill and talked about what causes

earthquakes, as well as how we stay safe if an earthquake happens. After the windstorm, we talked about power outages and what makes the power go out. We have practiced our scientific observation and memory skills as well! The children have been enjoying working with each other on lessons, as well as celebrating Thanksgiving together with songs, poetry, crafts, and a classroom “feast.” It has been great to see everyone becoming comfortable in the classroom and gradually widening the number of activities they are willing to try. The older children have also been enjoying a leadership role as they teach the younger children some of the lessons they have mastered!


This year’s November has been typical for Seattle, with lots of dark, gloomy, and wet days. Yet, the kids are having lots of fun learning and experiencing new things in class every day. This month’s theme in school has been Thanksgiving. From the beginning of this month, we learned about pilgrims and how Thanksgiving came into existence. Kids built turkeys using pine cones and hand prints, and wrote what they are thankful for on the tails. They also made bonnets and headbands to reflect the Native American spirit. We read the book Stone Soup , and as in the story, all the kids contributed vegetables to make the soup. They also prepared butter and pumpkin bread for their feast. On Wednesday, November 22nd, they all enjoyed their self-prepared feast! There were no complaints! Apart from Thanksgiving activities, we continued our class curriculum. We practiced wood polishing, metal polishing, and bubble making. We also learned about the water cycle and we worked on science experiments about static electricity and the bending of light. Next month, here in creative Montessori, we are very excited about Christmas activities, and we are sure the kids will enjoy the month making holiday-related projects.

creativemontessorischool_mz5i3rClassroom Review