Finally spring is here! We are very excited to move into flower and insect themes for the remainder of April and May.
Our body unit ended with class conversations on how to keep our bodies healthy and safe. The children learned about fitness, drinking plenty of water, getting good sleep, and healthy eating. We also talked about peaceful and mindful living and did some yoga. We hope this was helpful going into the break!
It was great to come back to the classroom and see how excited the children were to be back together! Everyone was recharged for more classroom work. For the first few days after break, we prepared for our new classroom pets: ladybugs. They have finally arrived, and now it is up to us to keep them healthy and growing. We learned about their life cycle, food needs, and habitats, and will continue to watch them change over the next few weeks.
Meanwhile, our Earth Day project has been underway. Ms. Kenzie spearheaded our planting art project in the true spirit of “reduce, reuse, and recycle.” Our “caterpillars” can be planted in the ground as is, and will sprout beautiful nasturtiums, which are edible and can be added to salads for a nice point of interest!
We have also begun our nature walks. We are learning a new “earworm” (song) for the walk, so stay tuned. It is all in the spirit of understanding the wonderful world around us. Please dress your children appropriately on their nature walk day so they are ready for a walk in the forest. Thank you parents!
This month, the kids have been having fun with our nature theme! They have planted flowers, observed ladybugs, and taken part in nature walks. Early in April, the children began learning about Earth day. In celebration of the holiday, they used their “green thumbs” to decorate little caterpillar planters and plant beautiful nasturtiums to take home and watch grow!
After spring break, the children started learning about different kinds of insects, including ladybugs, which we were able to experience firsthand in the classroom. Near the end of the month, the children were able to release the ladybugs and watch them take flight. For the next month, we will have a praying mantis in the classroom for the children to observe! We also have had many ladybug-themed works and activities, which they have been enjoying.
Another adventure for our classroom began this month with nature walks to St. Edward State Park, where the children have been exploring nature with all their senses. Groups of ten children will continue to take part in nature walks with Molly Leach and another chaperone.
We have also done some fun nature-themed science experiments this month! The children are observing white tulips that have been placed in colored water. We will see the tulips absorb the water along with the food coloring! We will also be observing an onion and a piece of lettuce to see if a small piece of a vegetable can sprout.