Front Building:
We!come everyone! Welcome back returning families and a warm welcome to our new families in the front class!
The first few weeks are usually our time to get to know one another and familiarize ourselves with classroom routines and children’s schedules.
This takes time and luckily we have a wonderful group of returning students who help ease the new ones into our room. Lots of “necklaces” (symbols to wear during work time that are color coded from our peace arch) have been given out already J
We have worked hard for the last weeks on: sitting criss cross in circle, raising our hand when talking, listening skills as well as how to roll up a mat (work space for one or two children on the carpet), returning work to the right spot on the shelf after using it and pushing in our chairs. All these details that help make a classroom full of eager learners function. Once the ground rules are established, we can dive into more individual lessons with the children. We are fortunate to have three adults in the class. This year we welcome Mrs. Brunswick to help us on the practical life side of the room. Some children still need assistance in the bathroom and a lot require help when putting on shoes and coats. If you would like to practice taking off outside and putting on inside shoes and vice versa, please do! The coat trick is neat to learn how to put on ones own jacket. If you like, we can give you a lesson, so you can help your child to be more independent, too.
During circle we introduced our classroom rules, our jobs board (calendar/weather, flag and book corner helpers), several well known and liked children’s songs and our “Sing peace around the world” song (check it out on YouTube) which we will sing alongside thousands of Montessori Schools in the country and world wide on Friday the 21stfor world peace day. Books are always a part of our good bye circle right before release time, too.
We are off to a good start and hope to see you all for curriculum night on October 10th!
See you there, your front room teachers.
Back Building:
We had a very smooth first few weeks of school! Joining our class this year, we welcomed 8 new children in the class this year. This can be an exciting time for our “returning” children who enjoy taking on a leadership role in introducing the classroom and how things work. During our circles, we have spent our time on our classroom rules, calendar, reading books and singing songs. We have talked about fire drills and fire safety. We have also practiced our first fire drill for this school year. As a small unit, we have started learning about apples, talking about the parts of an apple, tasting apples, and learning different kind of apples.
In recognition of World Peace Day, we have been practicing our peace song (“Light a Candle for Peace”). We gathered with the whole school for a candlelit celebration to sing our song together on the 21st in unison with other schools around the world.
New materials are introduced daily and many lessons are being given on our Montessori materials. We are so looking forward to what the rest of the year brings!